Staniel Cay Yacht Club is one of the busiest marinas we’ve been to in the Bahamas. Full functioning hotel with water front cottages, a gift shop, guided tour boats, they also have the nicest dinghy dock I’ve ever seen, and a bar/restaurant with 3 dining rooms for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The dinner you have to reserve by 4pm if you’d like to eat at the two times available 6:30p and 8pm. We had breakfast/lunch, the lobster salad is incredible I had it twice!! Our stop here was mostly business (fuel, water, trash) but it was nice to take full advantage of all their amenities. Wifi they gave us didn’t work that great, so we just used our boats mifi hotspot.
At night this place is lively, music was bumping after 10pm at the bar, all the boats have their underwater lights on which was really cool seeing all the nurse sharks and stingrays swimming around below. It was also hot so for the first time since leaving Florida we were able to plug into shore power and have the AIR CONDITIONING ON!! It felt so luxurious 🙂 Crazy we’ve gone an entire month without thinking about air conditioning!
So far this is the highest dockage fees we’ve paid yet. $2.50 per foot, electric $0.85 per kwh, water $0.40/gal, and trash $6 a bag. Theres a dumpster in the back we didn’t paid for this, kinda silly. Ha. We docked one night on an end slip with two other boats and two very large mega yachts on the other side of us. Its pretty snug and we were rocking around a little bit so we made sure to put all our fenders out. Check out was 11am the next day, however the boat behind us wasn’t able to leave since they draft 6.5 ft. and the tide was too low. Without having the option to put the boat in reverse the dock master was going to “walk” their boat around a large catamaran behind them since they were docked in the middle. Didn’t know this was a thing and it’s not exactly an idea that any boat owner feels comfortable with – Who’s liable for this if shit hits the fan!? So we ended up waiting until about 4pm (for free at least) until the owner of the catamaran came back.
In the meantime we took a walk to check out the local grocery and convenience stores where we picked up some goodies and a huge loaf of freshly baked bread from the Pink Pearl. Sadly not many fresh fruits or veggies since the ship wasn’t coming in until early next week. Finally it was time for us to take off from the yacht club so we found a nice little anchorage in between Big Major and the Thunderball Grotto area.
Cheers from the Bahamas!Â