Guess who finally got some fancy new boat cards??? These delivered just in time before we cross back over to the Bahamas in a few days. Kinda bummed we didn’t make these last season but we were already in Nassau by the time we learned that boat cards were even a thing.
For ya non-cruisers you might be wondering, what do we need these for? Well, cruisers like to exchange cards. I remember the first time someone asked us for one we were like ‘huhhh’…it seems totally out dated and it never occurred to us that someone might want our boat information and vice versa. They basically serve the same purpose as business cards, except with boatie info so we can keep in touch. It’s a lot easier than scribbling down your info. Nobody’s walking around the islands with a pen or paper in their bikini, lol, and we’ve met so many faces and everyone is moving on in different directions quickly that its a nice reminder to have.
We designed and purchased our cards through vistaprint.com
Some boat cards include last names, phone numbers, MMSI numbers, hailing ports or home marinas. But we chose to just keep ours simple with a picture of our boat, us, first names, the easiest way to reach us and follow along with our travels via our Instagram, website, and email. They turned out beautifully!! 🙂
Cheers from Florida!