Our new 10-gallon solar shower bag arrived a few days ago! We previously had a 5-gallon and wanted to get a larger one that will allow for multiple showers. This is essentially our hot water heater while we’re out cruising, it uses the sun and heat locking material inside to heat the water and allows us to have nice, warm showers aboard even on cool days. It has a temperature gauge attached to the bag to help with water level and temperature monitoring. This thing can get scalding HOTTTT! So you gotta check its temp before using. We did a quick clean of the tubes and bag, just added some warm water and baking soda together to get that plastic-y smell out. Hung it up outside, filled it with water and…..#$%! I broke the new bag before even getting to test it out. Not to mention some of that water trickled down into the open port hole below and soaked part of the bed 🙂 Ahh, never a dull moment aboard! Haha.
Ok! Sooo we re-ordered a new bag, FYI do NOT over fill this AND use additional or other hanging bars/rope for this. We used a D shackle, made of metal and also very secure with a screw pin. The one it comes with (plastic, size of a quarter) isn’t quite strong enough for the weight, it was extremely heavy and tore the entire back open within minutes of having it up. Bummer. Otherwise, size of the bag and material are nice. We ended up getting an extra one to stow…just in case. Happy to cross this one off of our to-do list!
Cheers from the marina!