Thirty-stinkin-two years old. I LOVE my birthday, I always have! But let’s be honest that’s halfway to 35 (mid-thirties), it’s a little scary. lol.
This year was unique, as I never envisioned I’d be spending it in the Bahamas…while living on a boat. But I had two of my favorite people by my side to help celebrate another trip around the sun.
The weather truly sucked in early May. So.much.freaking.rain! And we had a visitor coming, this was not ideal and honestly I was a bit worried at how miserable this might be for everyone. The day before my birthday (May 5th) and arrival of our friend, Brent surprised me with the news he’d booked a 2 bed/2 bath cottage at the Exuma Point Beach Villas in Rolleville for three nights! 🙂 I can’t even tell you how awesome of a surprise this was…hot showers, air conditioning, regular toilets, and comfy beds were running through my mind. And that we’d be off the boat for some awful weather. I love this man!
The cottage we checked into was so cute and cozy! It was perfectly situated on a hill that had a front porch with a beautiful ocean view! As if that wasn’t already enough, he rented us a car to get around and explore the island, stocked our cottage with all my favorite snacks/drinks AND cooked us breakfast each morning. We lucked out with no rain on the day of my birthday, so we enjoyed the beach. Lounged on some beach chairs with chips + queso. Followed by a low key dinner at Splash Bar and Grill, with some burgers and beers for 32 years! Couldn’t have asked for better.
Next two days were overcast in the afternoons so we were able to explore by car and went back to Tropic of Cancer beach which is my favorite here in Exuma. Both mornings it rained hard but Beej bought me a card game as a birthday present and to keep us entertained. Now i’m not really into any card games but this we obsessively played while drinking mimosas! It’s called Sushi-Go and we LOVE it!!!
31 was a fun, exciting, and a memorable year, I have high hopes for 32! Cheers to another year of love, laughter, and champagne!